Saturday, March 9, 2019

This is what happens when I can't sleep

Keep seeing Nickelback comparisons in my timeline and I just get tired of it. Not because I like them; no, because it comes off as kind of lazy. It's a stock joke by now, a cheap pop line to endear yourself to the internet-bound masses. But I think it behooves us to dig deeper.

Cracking Nickelback jokes is something we all get behind, but why? Do we really think they're terrible, or is it something else? I think it comes down to two things.

First, of course, is that the general consensus is that they're horrible, and everyone will tell you so if asked.

But where does it come from? Certainly it had to start somewhere, right?

Hell if I know. But if you looked long enough, you'd probably find some source that first said it, and it got passed along like so many other opinions.

By now, it's just sort of accepted - they suck.

Everyone gets it from someone else, and going against it is considered trolling.

But I think there's something else there, a second reason that is far more reasonable, and far less used because it requires nuance.

It's not that they actively suck, it's that they are utterly flavorless. They're not the good kind of bad, the "Friday", "Chocolate Rain", "Brokencyde" kind of bad that elicits laughs merely by existing. They're not even corporate, because that would require a level of cynical artistry. No, they're simply without texture.

They're the Palmer "chocolate" of post-grunge: Utterly lacking in the basics of what makes rock listenable. They're not "vanilla" because proper vanilla, even cheap and nasty versions of it, have a level of art involved. They're the unflavored ice milk of music.

They have neither the grace of art, nor the skill of a science. They're the gruel of a Sustaining Spoon. They're a diet of white rice and navy beans without even the slightest seasoning.

And that's unforgivable. You must understand: People like things that are bad enough to be amusing. They will watch terrible movies and laugh at the awful pathos, the shoddy effects, the wooden or hammy acting. They like a cheap, greasy burger every now and then when they could have steak.

But Nickelback isn't that. They commit the greatest sin that one can commit when making something for an audience: They're mediocre.

Mediocrity isn't funny. We can't sympathize with it because we feel cheated, and we can't laugh at it because it gives nothing to laugh at. We actively hate it because it gives nothing.

That's why we really hate Nickelback. They take without giving. They're a nothing.

Roger Ebert reviewed the movie "Mad Dog Time" negatively by saying that it "didn't improve on the sight of a blank screen for the same length of time." That's what Nickelback's great sin is: they offer no improvement over the silence they fill. They are, as Ebert went on to say, "like waiting for the bus in a city where you're not sure they have a bus line."

"But Dee," I hear you asking because I can hear you right now, "IF that's the problem, why do they sell albums and fill concert venues?" And that's a fine question, one I ask over plenty of acts. The answer is simple: there's always someone.

Let me explain: there exists a small but vocal contingent out there who will gladly take the middle of the road and be content. They buy generic cola and store-brand products not for the price, but because there's something they don't care for in the name brands. They go to Applebee's or Olive Garden every couple weeks and think of it as the height of their sophistication. Their tastes bend toward mediocrity, not away from it.

And I'm about to say something that won't win me any friends: Their tastes are as valid as yours.

If you asked them about what you like, they'd look at you like you were the weird one here. To them, you're a weirdo with awful taste. That's how opinions work.

So don't just follow along blindly and repeat things because someone tells you their tastes aren't subjective and that something is "objectively bad". Even if it's mediocre, someone wants it. And that's just how people are.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Bad Start

From RepublicoPolitico:Klobuchar jumps into presidential race
"We're starting in Wisconsin because, as you remember, there wasn't a lot of campaigning in Wisconsin in 2016. With me, that changes."

The Grammys

Who the fuck cares?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Nerd Cred

We just changed the headlight bulb on our car without the benefit of real tools for it. I just told my roommate "-2 penalty for improvised tools and we still passed the craft check".


Friday, January 25, 2019

Metroid Prime 4 Scraps the Whole Damn Run

TL;DW version: They brought us shit, we're throwing that shit out and starting from scratch.

To me, this is good. Retro did good with the series before (hell, MP1 was the first Metroid I played since 2),and I trust them to do it again.

But oh, lord, it's going to be a long few years.

Friday Random Ten, 1/25/2009: Nothingburgers and Caves Edition

It's the Friday Random Ten, and it's here after what seems like ten years to brighten your day!
My Thumbprint Radio on Pandora gives me...
Mortal Love - My Shadow Self
The Birthday Massacre - Weekend (NYC77 Mix by David Ogilvie/Matthew Moldowan)
Tapping the Vein - Burn
The xx - Shelter
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Soft Shock
Phaeleh - Afterglow (feat. Soundmouse)
Miwon - Lillilullaby
Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
Sun Kil Moon - Exit Does Not Exist
Röyksopp - What Else Is There?

The Gift of the Pelosi


Today's Menu: Really Meaty Nothingburgers

A burger

From CNN: Mueller indicts Roger Stone, says he was coordinating with Trump officials about WikiLeaks' stolen emails
Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, who alleges that the longtime Donald Trump associate sought stolen emails from WikiLeaks that could damage Trump's opponents while in coordination with senior Trump campaign officials.

Mmm, that's a damn meaty nothingburger.

The Gomez Effect

Gomez kissing Morticia's hand. 'Tish, you spoke French!'

(Or, "Shibboleths And You")

Those who recognize the above image need no explanation. For the rest, a brief explanation: Gomez Addams, patriarch of the Addams family, is driven into a passionate frenzy whenever his wife Morticia speaks French, even one word of it, exclaiming, "Tish, you spoke French!".
I have seen few people in the world who could be so worked up over words, or at least ones not meant to be harmful and belittling, until I watched the "leftists" of the Internet listening to whichever person crowed about being "anti-war". They fell for it when Racist Ronnie Paul did it, they fell for it when Racist Sexist Gun-Loving Finger-Wagging Peepaw did it, they even told themselves that Satsuma Shitbag was an "anti-war" candidate because he wasn't the Accursed Emails Woman. And now, now they're telling themselves that Tootsie Garbage and her dictator-loving ilk are "anti-war".

It's a shibboleth. A phrase to separate the in-group from the out-group. And if you're not saying all the shibboleths ("anti-war", "anti-imperialist", "Medicare for All", "Green New Deal", etc.), you're not Of The Body.

And if you're not Of The Body, well, you're not a person. How nice.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

A Short Timeline

January 23 2019, circa 6:00 AM EST: Pete Buttigieg announces the formation of an exploratory committee regarding a 2020 presidential bid.

January 23 2019, circa 6:01 AM EST: Progressives declare Pete Buttigieg to be "Not of the Body". (And yes, I'm shamelessly stealing this from driftglass)

Okay, I'll admit that it hasn't happened yet, at least that I've seen, but I'll be damned if they won't do it the moment he becomes a threat to Tootsie Garbage or Racist Sexist Gun-Loving Finger-Wagging Peepaw.

I mean, I'll be damned anyway if I'm wrong, but still-